Foreign merchandise storage. The merchandise may be extracted totally or partially for its import, paying taxes, contributions and compensation fees previously, updated up to the period from its entrance to the country until their withdrawal from the warehouse.

Certified warehouse
The Public Credit and Treasury Secretary (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público) certifies Almacenadora México as Certified Warehouse to establish the general procedures; as well as the rules and/or policies for the efficient control of fiscal deposit operations performed by the General Deposit Warehouses, considering the stages of: Contracting Service, Issuance of Capacity Letter, merchandise reception, payment of contributions, merchandise withdrawal, and the other operations related to the regime.
Safe Warehouse
Almacenadora México is in the Certification Process to become a Safe Warehouse, consequently we provide an acceptable level of reliability and safety regarding the safekeeping and integrity of merchandise or products covered by the Certificates of Deposit of clients provided by Almacenadora México.