Almacenadora México is a company authorized by the Mexican Entity of Certification (Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación A.C. - UVMNOM) and the Norms General Direction (Dirección General de Normas - DGN. 312.007.2000) to verify the compliance with the Mexican Official Norms of Commercial Information.
Mexican Official Norm NOM-004-SCFI-2006, Commercial Information-Labeling of textile products, clothing, their accessories and home dressings.
Mexican Official Norm NOM-015-SCFI-2007, Commercial Information – Labeling in Toys.
- Mexican Official Norm NOM-020-SCFI-1997, Commercial Information – Labeling of Leather and Natural Tanned Leather and Synthetic or Artificial Materials with that Appearance, Footwear, Leather Goods, as well as the products prepared with such materials.
- Mexican Official Norm NOM-024-SCFI-2013, Commercial Information for Packaging, Instructions, and Guaranties of Electronic, electric products and home appliances.
- Mexican Official Norm NOM-050-SCFI-2004, Commercial Information General Labeling of Products.
- Mexican Official Norm NOM-051-SCFI/SSA 1-2010, General specifications for Labeling Prepacked Food and non-alcoholic beverages.
- NOM-141-SSA1/SCFI-2012 Labeling for pre-packed. cosmetic products. Health and commercial labeling.
- Mexican Official Norm NOM-142-SSA1-1995. Goods and services. Alcoholic Beverages, Health specifications, Health and Commercial Labeling.
- Mexican Official Norm NOM-186-SSA1/SCFI-2002, Products and Services, Cocoa, Products and Derivatives, 1.Cocoa 2.Chocolate 3.Derivatives, Health Specifications, Commercial Denomination.
- Mexican Official Norm NOM-189-SSA1/SCF1-2002, Products and Services, Labeling and Packaging for Domestic Use Cleaning Products.